Next-generationxPIB IOL
Welcome to Eyedeal

Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board, inventor of cross-linked polyisobutylene
Dr Len Pinchuk Member of the American Academy of Engineering and recipient of the 2019 Russ Prize.
Core team members
Over 20 top industry experts from 500 world’s top corporations.

Scientific advisory board
Three members of the American Academy of Engineering, Executive Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg, Germany, the most influential people in the world of ophthalmology.
Eyedeal holds the global patent for xPib in intraocular lenses – the ideal biomaterial for IOL
Eyedeal holds a global patent for the use of xPIB in intraocular lenses
Established in 2014, Eyedeal has successfully developed two intraocular lens product platforms: Eyenable® series of IOL, made of hydrophobic acrylic material, has achieved the same great quality but much lower manufacturing cost compared with its well-known competitors.